
Using hierarchy to create a better UX experience


Apploi is building out a new staffing tool (OnCall), that will help healthcare facilities manage their workforce to optimize the bottom line. Currently the struggle is ease of onboarding and intuitive use for staffers.


8 new facilities added with existing clients, Onboarding reduced to 1 day from 1 week, Staffers showed near perfect completion of schedules.

Team Structure

Product Manager
Contract Engineers
OnCall Founder
Product Designer (Me)


Month 1: Design
Month 2: Develop
Month 3: Beta Test

Not another onboarding training...

The current designs lack context that comes with clear hierarchy, intentional color usage, & componentization. This causes users to guess about where stuff is & how it works, meaning a longer onboarding period.

Creating alignment between the business, users, & product

Given this product is early in its adoption, getting more clients to use the tool is priority for Apploi. This means focusing on user needs is far more critical over monetization.


We want more clients using our tool

We want to be able to do our jobs

We want to provide more value to users


# of clients signed up

Time spent onboarding

% change in under/over staffing

A changing user type

I noticed quickly that we were not talking to the right user. Most conversations were with upper management, who rarely interacted with the core product. We shifted by inviting entry level staffers into our calls & learned how simple their workflow is on paper compared to the product. Even dated tools such as OnShift were easier to use given they were limited in function & resembled a schedule print out.

Our goal is to enable how staffers work, not re-invent their workflow.

Identifying user roadblocks

Key things that stood out in conversations were the lack of scan-ability with our schedule,  an overall lack of added value, & most important is that staffers look at a daily schedule, not a weekly one.

"The tool feels like a worse version of what I'm already using. Why would I want to switch?"

What can be changed?

Understanding the underlying design issues that cause these roadblocks is key. I broke down the changes that could impact users into 3 groups. There are definitely more, but these changes should set a foundation of patterns.

Grouping of actions

Meaningful color usage

Structured page layout

Grouping the filters & actions will make it easier for users to find things helping users streamline their workflow

Meaningful color usage will provide more insights whilst removing clutter making it faster to process information

Creating patterns will help users know how to move around & creates scalable foundation across other features

So what does it look like all together?

The final proposal brings together all the meaningful changes into a streamlined and consistent UI that will help staffers do their jobs faster & more reliably.

Implementation respective to development costs

To make the workload manageable for the engineering team, I created a roadmap for how this could be approached based on the time to implement that was scoped in reviews.

1. Feature Specific Changes

Building a day view with existing styling & cleaning up interactions

2. Global UI Changes

Applying new styling & components across the product

3. Global UX changes

Changing the layout across the product

Reduced onboarding & increased client's bottom line

With the first set of changes to the product tested, we saw staffers pick up the tool during the session without training. The overall optimizing of the daily schedule showed a near perfect staffing schedule across sessions. Staffer specifically noted that the summary row of critical actions & clear iconography made sense to them. It saved time by speeding up scanning with correlating icons on error rows.


We want more clients using our tool

We want to be able to do our jobs

We want to provide more value to users


8 new facilities with existing clients

Onboard in 1 day vs 1 week

%over/under staffed < 1% based on user testing

Bonus Content Below

Design Nitty Gritty

Creating this required a strong balance between what looks good, what makes sense, & what management wanted to build. Finding compromise often creates the best designs, but takes lots of thinking. Here are some tid bits of the interesting design work that took place in my head.

Correlating the recurring rewards versus one-time rewards.

Making sure users understand which actions they can repeat so they don’t expect rewards for every billpay.

Providing more information through our button component offered a way to correlate information behind a click to the action you are about to take. This is something we then adopted on the lending feature.

Reusing the button made it easy to correlate the information behind the click to a specific action

To curb fraud, we implement a selfie check before any actions that can be exploited. By offering a preview of the rewards screen, users can see there are monetary incentives to completing the selfie check.

The preview of the Reward screen is motivation to get users to complete a selfie check.