
Establishing Process to Enhance Marketing and Increase Brand Presence


Lendmarq is a comprehensive loan originator working across the US. They are looking to grow their inbound funnel and increase conversion. Where they are struggling is being perceived as the leading industry lender due to their inconsistent branding & content schedule.


Streamlined process from an average 1 week approval to instant posting. Created a consistent brand voice across content creation and internal brand assets. Setup and created a plan to measure marketing metrics for data backed decision making.

Stakeholder Structure

Head of Marketing
Head of Recruiting
VP of Sales
Executive Team
Product Designer (Me)


Month 1: Research & Define
Month 2: Create Guidelines and Templates
Months 3+: Collect Data for Analytics

Branding without consistency impacts more than just visuals

Lendmarq's marketing was not presenting their value add, and was lacking visibility across social platforms due to a slow content creation process and inconsistency.

Generic content limits growth and brand perception

Identifying Key Gaps & Opportunities


Establish a brand

Grow presence

Target relevant content


Create consistency with guidelines so viewers can correlate to Lendmarq

Instill process to post on a schedule showing an active brand

Content relevant to individual customer needs

Market & Competitor Content Analysis

Reviewing competitor socials, websites, and email marketing showed common overlap in content and its use cases.

The following content buckets were set for the content creation process to focus developing.

Company Background

Builds brand perception through mission

Events & Media

Builds brand awareness directly with customers


Builds brand awareness with potential hires

Inform & Educate

Shows industry knowledge & builds brand perception

Testimonies & Validation

Builds brand perception & shows value proposition through customers

Business Activity

Shows value proposition & highlights services through active deals

So I Designed A Brand Book... But Why?

Engaging the executive team to help develop & approve a Brand Book will remove them from the content creation process on a post by post basis and oversee larger marketing direction by setting constraints. This also creates a consistent brand image across all content internal and external.

The Brand Book has a strong focus on values & messaging, defining the audience, and brand perception which influence the visual design decisions

Establishing Process

The current process stifles content creation, data based experimentation, and developing content that resonates with their audience. I spoke with cross-functional team members to understand their goals and why they decide to approve (or not to) a particular piece of content.

Guidelines remove personal opinions from decision making. Relying on audience engagement data & priority to pushing live is what will move the needle for KPI's.

Developing Templates Across Content Buckets

Each content bucket has its own metrics to target. The creation of content is prioritized based on where we have the most urgency of requests, and ease of creating the supporting information. As the content funnel normalizes, the prioritization will be based on metric goals & audience engagement.

Company Background

Website traffic

Social engagement

Events & Media

Event attendance/ sign-ups

Social following

Business Activity

Lead generation

Social following

Inform & Educate

Website traffic

Social engagement

Testimonies & Validation

Conversion rates

Net promoter score


Application rates

Quality of applicants

Setting Up An Analytics Process

Collecting data takes time, so we needed to start ASAP. Email campaigns were setup to measure open rates & responses. Social focused on impressions & direct engagement (e.g. comments & likes).

A/B Testing will help us understand what resonates with the audience

Setting Business Goals & Metrics

Working with the executive team, clear goals were set and a way to measure our success. This is something we will be reviewing monthly, but setting expectations that we will need ~6 months to have enough data to inform long term strategies.

Grow the top of the funnel



Conversion % across email & social

Double internal headcount

Time to hire from posting

Grow loan originations

Loan applications per month

How To React To Changing Business Needs

The world of loan originations is dictated by the markets outside our control. There needs to be space to pivot, react, and get ahead with content that can get ahead of the competition.

A flexible content schedule allows for our goals to be met and reactions to the market not turn into fires